Download your copy here: Range Rules
Range Hours:
Monday - Saturday 8am to Dusk, Sunday: 12 noon to Dusk, Wednesday ALL ranges closed at 5pm
General Range Rules; See Specific Range for additional rules pertaining to that Range
- Only members and guests accompanied by the member may use the ranges.
- Members and guests are required to stop and sign in at the shed prior to shooting.
- Members must prominently display the current year membership card on their person at all times.
- Members who wish to bring a non-member (guest) to shoot must complete a “Temporary Membership” form located in the shed and remit the appropriate fee. The “Temporary Membership” card must be worn by the non-member at all times, and must also remain with the member. The $5.00 fee does not apply to immediate family members/spouse under the age of 21, they still need to fill out the guest paperwork and sign in.
- Special rules posted at each range must be observed.
- All shooters and spectators must wear suitable eye and ear protection.
- No alcoholic beverages permitted on the ranges.
- Shooting while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances is prohibited.
- When anyone is down range no weapons shall be handled. Actions shall be open and magazines removed.
- The first Shooter on a range is Designated Safety Officer and has full control of Range.
- Shooting is to be done from the firing line only.
- Always make sure your weapon is pointed in a safe direction so any discharges will not leave club property.
- No Targets can be placed directly on the ground. (Bowling Pins, Clay Birds, Ground Bouncers).
- Except where noted only paper or cardboard targets may be used.
- All targets have to be placed on the backers between the uprights.
- No fully automatic, simulated fully automatic or hip shooting is allowed.
- Shooting shotguns or multi projectile ammo at backers is prohibited.
- Shooting at glass objects is prohibited on all ranges.
- Shooting at cans and plastic bottles is permitted only on designated ranges and waste must be placed in trash containers afterward.
- Targets may not be attached to pin table legs.
- Range 3: Magnum pistol cartridges are not permitted on the 25/50 yard combination range.
- Range 3: Only regulation Steel Targets are allowed.
- Ranges 4 & 5: No more than 1 shot every 3 seconds.
- Ranges 4 & 5: No more than 5 rounds in a magazine and chamber combined.
- No Trap or Skeet Shooting (no aerial targets).
- No steel core military ammunition.
- No 50 BMG on any range
- No Exploding Targets on ANY range.
- Remove all targets when you are done shooting.
- Police your brass including miss fires.
- Bows and arrows are not permitted on firearms ranges.
- Indoor range is for organized shooting events only. No magnum or jacketed ammunition. Rifles limited to .22 rimfire caliber.
- Hunting on Club Property is Prohibited.
Range Safety Issues
If you find a safety issue on the range, please report it to our Range Safety Issue Report.